About Us
Our Mission
Established in 1905, the Los Angeles Society of Ophthalmology (LASO) is a non-profit collaboration of ophthalmologists in practice and in training who share one mission: to promote excellence in ophthalmic patient care and outcomes in our community.
In our rapidly evolving technology-driven field, a critical step in achieving and maintaining excellence in patient care is physician education. Our community demands the most up-to-date knowledge and technology, and throughout the year, year after year, the LASO has maintained the highest standards of educational content in our objective, cutting-edge, evidence-based, and practical programs featuring nationally recognized speakers from academic departments around the country.
In addition to physicians in practice, we consider it our obligation to contribute to the education of young physicians in training. All resident and fellow physicians in all ophthalmic subspecialties from training programs in the Los Angeles area are extended free membership to the LASO and are highly encouraged to attend our educational activities free of charge. Our CME-accredited programs are consistently given top marks by attendees and participants, and our content is tailored specifically to the evolving needs of our audience through regularly conducted surveys and needs assessment analyses.